Welcome to
The Doherty Relationship Institute!
Bill and Elizabeth are thrilled to welcome you!
If you are coming to us as a married person or someone interested in couple relationships, we hope to add to your knowledge and well-being.
If you are coming here as someone who works with couples, we hope to become part of your professional world and contribute to your professional growth.

Our Two Divisions
Finally, a clinical approach to help couples who are on the brink of divorce.
It's almost always one person "leaning out" but with enough doubt to not be filing divorce yet. Most often the other spouse is hurt but ready to save the marriage.
Discernment Counseling is a powerful, short-term process for therapists to engage these couples. Over 800 trainees from new therapists to highly experienced agree it's a must-have training if you love working with couples.
For the first time ever, Bill Doherty, Ph.D., shares his entire approach to regular couples therapy.
No more model wars - all are welcomed to learn and use whatever enhances your own style. Bill coined the term "marriage friendly" and now learn exactly what HE means by it.
It starts by taking a course on getting traction or getting unstuck in therapy. Course attendees are invited to learn the full approach.
Combining Two Distinct Voices
Bill Doherty, Ph.D. has been at this “marriage stuff” since the mid-1970’s. His daughter was born in the mid 70’s and after years in the corporate world and raising small kids, she adds her own unique voice and passions around marketing, social entrepreneurship, and marriage enhancement. She also has a masters in marriage and family therapy and sees clients.
We are an unusual team (for good, we hope.) We cross genders, generations, life experiences, and (this is uncommon among strong marriage advocates), we offer secular marriage advice as our core competency while having deep respect for religion. You’ll find us talking to people from all places on the religious and political spectrum, with shared passions and rewarding friendships across lines of diversity.
Bill’s work will never be contained in one place, but we’re having fun bringing a lot of his interests into what we’re dubbing “DRI.” We both love grass roots, citizen engagement initiatives, marriage and parenting conversations, teaching and consulting, and technology as a way to enhance learning and social communities.
Combining Two Distinct Voices
Bill Doherty, Ph.D. has been at this “marriage stuff” since the mid-1970’s. His daughter was born in the mid 70’s and after years in the corporate world and raising small kids, she adds her own unique voice and passions around marketing, social entrepreneurship, and marriage enhancement. She also has a masters in marriage and family therapy and sees clients.
We are an unusual team (for good, we hope.) We cross genders, generations, life experiences, and (this is uncommon among strong marriage advocates), we offer secular marriage advice as our core competency while having deep respect for religion. You’ll find us talking to people from all places on the religious and political spectrum, with shared passions and rewarding friendships across lines of diversity.
Bill’s work will never be contained in one place, but we’re having fun bringing a lot of his interests into what we’re dubbing “DRI.” We both love grass roots, citizen engagement initiatives, marriage and parenting conversations, teaching and consulting, and technology as a way to enhance learning and social communities.