Material Available for Couples

A nonprofit foundation with a mission to increase the capacity of therapists and lay people to solve relational and social problems.
We're beyond excited to offer our fellow therapists a deep dive into areas of my professional legacy that can make a difference for our clients and communities.

Discernment Counseling is a short-term, clarity-seeking process with a trained marriage expert, you will both be supported over 1-5 sessions. The goal is simply to decide what action to take next, whether that be to work on the marriage, separate/divorce, or in some couples, they get their marriage off the divorce track but do not decide to pursue more intensive therapy.
First Big Steps

Most wives feel like they’ve tried everything, and everything fails. We’ll dive into the top five changes women seek (sometimes they seek just 1 change, sometimes more) to help you navigate what may be going on underneath your attempts.

Most people have no idea that two-thirds of divorces are filed by women.
This leaves a LOT of men—millions of them—without great guidance on what to do in response to an unwanted proposal of divorce. During a time of enormous stress, our instincts and emotions can get the better of us. Here we help men take it step by step. We make no assumptions that you—or your wife—have “messed up badly.” All we know is that she wants out and this is a life crisis we want to help you rise to.

We created a really fun live full day workshop called Marital First Responders. From research we commissioned, 73% of American adults report being a confident to someone in the past year about the persons marriage. This could be a friend, family member or coworker.
Our mission is to get couples unstuck and the reality is we humans will almost ALWAYS go to our inner circle way before we’ll ever seek professional help. This is designed to help YOU as that friend!

Many couples never make it to marriage counseling. Those who do often realize pretty quickly that they waited years longer then they should have.
The most likely culprit? You or your spouse are nervous and anxious about the idea of hiring a stranger for the most intimate relationship of your life. It makes sense! Our goal is to disarm and engage you on all those nagging doubts and fears you have, or your spouse has.

After you go through this mini-course, you’ll be well equipped to understand what the heck marriage counseling is really all about, what to expect, how to avoid the starting with a bad therapist, and even how to troubleshoot if things go awry with the counselor you choose.
This is really an empowerment guide to make the best use of your time and money in a marriage counselor’s office.
Low Cost Opportunities for Advancement

Recorded from a live workshop, have fun and learn some concrete skills you can instantly use with people in your life.
The acronym we teach is: L.E.A.P and C.A.R. The basic skills: Listen. Empathize. Affirm. Perspective. The advanced skills (to be used sparingly): Challenge. Advise. (suggest) Resources.
This is a great reminder, in those tricky conversational moments, how to slow down and be a better friend. It also helps you keep good boundaries.

Designed for wives who are thinking seriously about divorce, we offer enormous knowledge and insight for you to think about how your marriage may be like (and not like) other marriages and where things may have gone awry in your relationship. We offer you a perspective on what a marriage therapist might see about what’s gone wrong—things that are hard to see from the inside.
It’s like going to “marriage counseling for one” without the pressure and without being asked to work on anything right now. Just listen and learn.

If your wife is talking divorce, this is the next step—after the First Step Guide (above.)
These are tricky times and it’s important to move the right way to avoid making the situation worse. This Game Plan offers you the best hope that your wife may decide to seek therapy together—instead of moving to divorce—and it gives you a better understanding of how your marriage may have gotten off track. It gives you concrete strategies to deal with what may be (or maybe not) a surprising situation for you. Some men truly have no idea how miserable their wives are until the “divorce” word is used.
Deep Dive

The Clarity Workshop is all the “cognitive” stuff – the ideas and thoughts about marriage.
The Essential Guide is about “Okay, what action to take” now that you’re much more aware of what normal marriages are like, how yours may be broken, and what you can do about it. Focused on your self-awareness, this Guide gives you an easy opportunity to start shifting your own behaviors in healthier ways. Maybe you think you’ve been clear with your husband. But many wives don’t understand (and thus don’t communicate clearly about) what’s going enough underneath common complaints like dirty socks or not enough attention.

Elizabeth’s vision is that there are many couples where the timing or cash just aren’t right for marriage counseling. The timing can be from any reason but rather than wait for a job, or crisis or busy schedule to clear up, there ARE many ways you can improve your marriage now.
This course is an exciting one for us. There is action in here that hundreds of couples have gone through in workshop format and in individual therapy with Bill Doherty. We know that YOU have an enormous role in your marriage, even if you feel like your partner can’t or won’t change.

For husbands or wives, this is the next best thing to being in our therapy offices, working on yourself to give your marriage the best chance of succeeding.
While being mindful of the headspace your spouse is in right now – wavering on the marriage, this material is currently only shared in our offices. Now finding its way online, we know you may want to relisten to it several times as a way to center yourself and get the support you so desperately need, and aren’t getting, from your spouse right now.